Begin the new year by setting your mind, heart, and affection on Jesus. From midday January 5th through midday January 12th, we will enter into a focused time of prayer and fasting together as a church.
To prepare for your week of prayer and fasting, be sure to determine ahead of time what you will fast from and for how long. While many people will abstain from food for seven days, many others cannot or should not fast from food for a week. Instead, consider skipping lunch every day for a week or perhaps going anywhere from one to three days without eating. Conversely, you may find fasting from social media or television for a week to be a better option for you. What you fast from does not matter as much as the heart behind it.
To guide you through the week, our team has developed a devotional booklet and prayer guide. Each day includes a scripture reading, devotional, and prayer prompts to guide your time with the Lord each day. We’ll have printed copies available at church or you can look for them in your email each morning.