Other Ways to Give

  • In-Person on Sunday

    Use an offering envelope that is available in the seat-pockets of the chairs in the Worship Center. Simply complete the information on the envelope and drop it in an offering box.

  • Mail your Contribution

    Fort Caroline Baptist Church

    11428 McCormick Road

    Jacksonville, FL 32225

  • Bill Pay

    Use your bank's bill pay service and follow your institution's instructions to have your donation mailed directly to Fort Caroline Baptist Church.

  • Legacy Giving

    Did you know there are easy and creative ways to financially support the ministry of Fort Caroline Baptist Church while also taking care of your family's financial needs? Some of the benefits to you can include savings on current income taxes, better control of your estate, and reduced taxes for your heirs. The preferential tax treatments associated with planned gifts can help you maximize the benefits of your charitable contributions. To learn more about planned giving, visit Florida Baptist Financial Services.

  • Gift Matching with your employer or other organization

    Fort Caroline Baptist Church is a qualified 501(c)(3) organization and is eligible to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions!