“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” Matthew 28:19
We make disciples by sending short-term mission teams, long-term missionaries, and church planting. Check out these ways to get involved in serving in the world.
Don’t know where you want to go on mission, but know God is calling you? Let us know with the form below.
Every year we take a team to Ecuador to partner with Pate Ministries
who is focused on sharing the Gospel and showing the Love of Christ to children and their families. We do this through discipleship Bible club programs in the Southern Andes Mountains and on the Pacific coast of Ecuador. We work with the Mestizo and Quechua people who are predominantly Catholic-mixed with animistic indigenous beliefs.
We focus on sharing the Word of God and we teach the children and adults who Jesus is, that they can have a personal relationship with Him, that they can be saved by admitting they are a sinner, believing that Jesus died for their sins and confessing Christ. We also teach them that they can read the Bible for themselves and pray directly to Jesus. We want to demonstrate that God's Word is our foundation for all we do and teach.
Our next trip to Ecuador is August 23-30, 2025! Interested in Serving in Ecuador? Come to the Ecuador Interest Meeting on Sunday, January 12 after the second service. The deadline to submit an application for this trip is February 16.
Fort Caroline began a partnership with Cabaret Baptist Children's Home in 2011. A ministry consisting of a children’s home, two churches, and two schools all working together to change a region’s future, now known as Cabaret Haiti Mission.
Since our partnership began, numerous mission teams have travelled to serve in Haiti. Our desire is to help CHM reach their kids and community for Jesus Christ.
The CHM Child Sponsorship Program is a great way to connect to the kids and support this mission. We also help with the annual golf tournament fundraiser. Keep an eye on our upcoming events for more. Visit cabarethaitimission.org to learn more, donate or sponsor a child.